Dairy Service Offerings

  • Enteric Methane Claim Creation

    CAP is the only group to have the experience creating a successful at-scale enteric methane emission reduction projects. Let us work with your team to realize the full potential of your project and product potential.

  • Regenerative Agriculture

    CAP has experience supporting the regeneration of agricultural lands, biodiversity, and water quality on dairy farms. Regenerative Ag is not just a buzz word but an implementable approach for your farm.

  • Sustainable supply chain strategy

    With experience working closely with sourcing teams, CAP can help our customers work with your sourcing teams to create an effective sustainable sourcing strategy that fits with your company’s processes and strategies.

  • animal welfare

    CAP has in-depth experience working on brand sustainability survey’s, national welfare programs, and on-farm welfare program implementation which allows us to make real impact on welfare outcomes.

  • Manure emission reduction

    Emissions from dairy manure account for roughly 30% of on-farm emissions. CAP has evaluated solutions globally for manure and can help farms find a solution that works for their specific enterprise.

  • Farmer and Worker Well-Being

    Farmer and agriculture worker well-being includes the health (mental and physical) and safety of life on the dairy farm. CAP can help maintain and improve this aspect of farm life.

  • enteric methane product advisement

    Many new feed additives are coming to the market. CAP can advise on what exists already in the market for those seeking a solution and advise those creating a product on what is needed to find success in the market

  • supply chain engagement

    CAP has a strong network in the dairy industry chain for technologies and solutions to achieve your goals. Let us help you find success in the dairy supply chain.

